
The Australian and New Zealand Amateur Publishing Association (“ANZAPA” or “the APA”) is an organisation which was established in 1968 by Australian comics and science fiction fans. It publishes a bi-monthly compilation (“a mailing”) of amateur magazines or fanzines.

It consists of up to thirty persons or couples, who pay an appropriate fee and contribute to the next available mailing. If there are no vacancies, applicants are placed on a waiting list and invited to join when there is a vacancy.

The APA is run by an Official Bloody Editor (“the OBE”) elected from amongst the members when there is a vacancy. The OBE will ensure the collection of zines by the tenth day of each even-numbered month, and their distribution to all members as soon thereafter as is practical, including an Official Organ, which includes a list of the contents, a membership roster, and a financial statement, and annually this constitution. The zines shall be in a medium determined by the OBE, who shall also ensure the maintenance of an archive of all distributions, collect annual fees (due with each August mailing and sufficient to meet the APA’s projected annual costs), and maintain the APA’s finances. The OBE may appoint an Emergency Editor to perform any of the OBE’s duties, and other such assistants as may be required.

To retain membership, a member must contribute a minimum of six A4 pages (or close equivalent) of self-written material every six months. The material should be original and be primarily intended for publication in ANZAPA. What counts as acceptable material for the purposes of minac is at the OBE’s discretion.

A President shall be elected annually by means of a popularity poll (“the Anzapopoll”), distributed with the August mailing. The President’s duties shall be to organise the following poll and ‘encourager les autres’.

This Constitution can be amended only by a positive vote of at least 75% of the ballots received by the OBE after the following procedure: proposals in writing, endorsed by three members, must be sent to the OBE, who will publish them in the following Official Organ; in the second mailing after the proposal’s receipt, the OBE shall distribute a ballot, with a specified closing date.

Special Rules may be adopted from time to time, at the OBE’s discretion, unless a majority of members oppose the proposed rule within twenty eight days of its distribution.